For every dollar given, ninety percent of your proceeds go towards helping a child in need.
Every day, a child in Vietnam is suffering from malnutrition or stunting. With your help, you can truly make a difference in these children's lives.
A single USD is worth 24,820 Vietnamese dong. A single bowl of porridge can cost as much as 10,000 dong. With a single US dollar, a child can afford two meals a day.
Your donations can also go a long way to providing more for these children than food and water.
- Mosquito nets, essential for children who are most vulnerable, costs as much as ten dollars per net.
- Pillows and blankets, another sleeping essential. For just twenty dollars, a child can have a blanket and pillows to enjoy a comfortable sleep.
- Educational supplies such as writing utensils, textbooks, and other materials geared towards a child's success in school can also used with your contributions.